
File Converter Max File Size 256MB

HEIC to GIF Converter

HEIC to GIF Converter

Instantly Transform your HEIC Images into GIF

Unlock the potential of your HEIC images by converting them to the popular GIF format. LetsConvert.io offers a straightforward and efficient solution to create lively and engaging graphics perfect for social media, websites, and personal projects. Experience high-quality conversion with customizable settings to tailor the outfit to your specific needs, all in just a few clicks.

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How to

How to Convert HEIC to GIF?

Converting HEIC to GIF has always been easy using our converter. Here's how:

Step 1: Upload your file

Click the 'Upload' button to upload the HEIC file you want to convert to GIF.

Step 2: Step 2: Select the File Format

Select the file format to convert the files to. It must be an GIF.

Step 3: Edit options

Now, you have multiple options like quality, resize etc, based on HEIC and GIF file format.

Step 4: Download Converted File

Once the conversion is complete, click the 'Download' button to save the converted GIF file hassle-free!

Features Highlights

Fast Conversion

LetsConvert.io is designed to deliver results in the shortest possible time. No matter how large your HEIC file is, the converter will quickly convert it to GIF format.

Secure and Private Conversion

We take your privacy and data security very seriously. All uploaded images are processed securely and deleted from our servers a few hours after conversion, ensuring a secure experience throughout the process.

No Watermark on Converted GIFs

Enjoy using the HEIC to GIF converter without any watermarks. The converter provides high-quality images suitable for both professional and personal use.

Transparent Background Support

Our converter preserves image transparency when converting to GIFs, which is particularly useful for logos and other graphics that need seamless integration into various backgrounds.


What should I do if I encounter an error during conversion?

If you experience issues, try re-uploading your file or refreshing your browser. For persistent problems, check our support resources or contact our customer service team for assistance.

Is there a limit on the file size I can upload?

The maximum file size you can upload on the HEIC to GIF converter is 256MB, which is sufficient for even the largest HEIC files.

What quality can I expect from the converted GIFs?

LetsConvert.io is designed to maintain high quality during the conversion process. Your GIFs will retain clarity and detail similar to the original HEIC files.